Every company in our
portfolio is part
of a team.

We create an environment that fosters collaboration among our family of companies. Each new member has the opportunity to propose and participate in joint projects, encouraging synergy and innovation across our diverse business portfolio. This approach allows us to leverage collective strengths, share resources, and create value through unified initiatives, ultimately building a dynamic and interconnected business ecosystem that maximizes the potential of each company within our group.

Jiří Živnůstka
Jiří Živnůstka
Jiří Račman
Jiří Račman
Michal Šťastný
Michal Šťastný
Investment manager
Pavel Šebera
Pavel Šebera
Senior Advisor
Iveta Kučerová
Iveta Kučerová
Project Coordinator
Pavlína Pirnerová
Pavlína Pirnerová
Office manager